

2004 - 2009 Prius 100k mile Car Review



2004 - 2009 Prius 100k mile Car Review

In this video Greg Macke -Your Car Angel does a 100k mile review on the second generation Toyota Prius. This review covers maintenance history, cost of ownership and reliability. The 2nd generation Prius was one of the best cars to buy and is on
Greg's Halo list. This covers 2004-2009 Prius models.・・・続きはこちら⇒2004 - 2009 Prius 100k mile Car Review

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質問:Prius Air 630Hのカバーの開け方が分かりません

回答:Prius Air 630Hのカバーの開け方が分かりません


Trevor Noah says California gas leak thwarts Prius drivers: You've been ... - Raw Story

Raw Story

Trevor Noah says California gas leak thwarts Prius drivers: You've been ...
Raw Story
Trevor Noah said a Southern California methane leak had destroyed the sacrifices made by Prius drivers. The blown-out natural gas well spewed at its peak about as much harmful emissions as 7 million cars ? which made the “Daily Show” host laugh in?...

and more??

Trevor Noah says California gas leak thwarts Prius drivers: You've been ... - Raw Story

